Grandma's Redstone tips
Grandma's House uses a special system for redstone from PaperSpigot.
It's called Alternate Current, designed to mimic the mod by the same name.
You can read about it here:
Quick tips:
Farms relying on minecarts will very likely not work as intended on Grandma's
Chunk loader machines are prohibited, if they even work.
Avoid lag by having max 100 outputs on your auto sorters.
Hopper's ticking speed are limited on the server.
Item despawn rate is 6000 ticks (5 min) for items in general.
To reduce lag, we have execptions:
acacia_leaves: 1200 (60 sec)
andesite: 1200
bamboo: 1200
birch_leaves: 1200
cactus: 1200
cobbled_deepslate: 1200
cobblestone: 1200
dark_oak_leaves: 1200
diorite: 1200
dirt: 1200
granite: 1200
grass: 1200
gravel: 1200
jungle_leaves: 1200
kelp: 1200
mangrove_leaves: 1200
melon_slice: 1200
netherrack: 1200
oak_leaves: 1200
pumpkin: 1200
red_sand: 1200
sand: 1200
scaffolding: 1200
spruce_leaves: 1200
stone: 1200
sugar_cane: 1200
tuff: 1200
twisting_vines: 1200
weeping_vines: 1200
It is HEAVILY reccomended to transport items with water channels instead of minecarts.
There are limits on droppers and dispensers' speed to avoid the creation of lag machines.
Place a block above exposed hopppers to disable the unnessecary "check if theres a container above me"
Here's a lag friendly design to use for dropping items into a water channel:
Dropper can face any direction, depending on your needs.
The inputting hopper can be both on top and on the three exposed sides.
Slime chunks spawn slimes up to 60 (custom set!)