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Some ranks can set a nickname, which will show up in-game instead of their username.


To set a nickname, the command is simply /nick InsertDesiredNickname


Your nickname can’t have spaces or special characters.


Example, I want to name myself the frog bin, I will have to go /nick thefrogbin


You can however, have underscores in your name: /nick the_frog_bin




Adding a color


Now, you can also add COLOR to your nickname, using the CMI Hex code system.


Hex Code is a Hashtag put together with 6 letters or numbers, that indicate a precise mix of red (RR), green (GG) and blue (BB).


To find hex codes, you can simply google ”hex color” and there should be a gazillion tools out there.


Example A:

I have chosen the hex code #C4DFAA


To use this colour in a nickname, we need to get out the fancy brackets {} and place them around the hex code. It becomes:




Then, place that right before where you want to colour your name. This tells the plugin ”colour my name from there, and dont stop until the name ends, or until I tell you otherwise down the line”


The command becomes:

/nick {#C4DFAA}thefrogbin


You can add more colours by this same principal, simply adding another color code where you want the second color to start.


Example B:

I want to make the "frog" in thefrogbin white, and "bin" to go back to the green.

The standard hex code for white is #ffffff


/nick {#C4DFAA}the{#ffffff}frog{#C4DFAA}bin




Bonus: Gradients


Example C:

I want my nickname to fade from white to the green I found before.

To use a gradient, we add some <> symbols.


/nick {#ffffff>}thefrogbin{#C4DFAA<}



Note that the green hex code is put in the end of the nickname.





Read more about CMI Colors:



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