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Custom Mob Drops

The server has custom drops for certain mobs.


If it's not on this list, it's not affected and Vanilla drops apply.


Looting enchantments apply to custom drops too.


OV = NO vanilla drops, instead drops according to list


AV = YES Vanilla drops PLUS one item from the list


ALL = Applies to both natural, egg summoning, and spawners 


ON = Only Naturally Spawned Mobs 

Wither Skeleton [OV] [ALL]


Wither Skeleton Skull - 0.5%

Wither Rose - 0.5%

Obsidian - 5.0%

Block of Coal -  20%

Bone - 40%







Mooshroom [OV] [ALL]


Brown Mushroom Block - 40%

Red Mushroom Block - 40%

Mushroom Stem Block - 20%






Witch [OV] [ALL]


Redstone Dust - 34%

Iron Nugget - 20%

Amethyst Shard - 15%

Lapis Lazuli - 15%

Block of Redstone - 10%

Spore Blossom - 2.5%

Potion of Fire Resistance (8:00)- 1.5%

Phantom Membrane - 0.7%

Dragon’s Breath - 0.5%

Nautilus Shell - 0.4%

Shulker Shell - 0.3%



Slime [AV] [ALL]


Clay Ball - 40%

Lily Pad - 10%

Mossy Cobblestone - 10%

Slime Ball - 1%

Zombie [AV] [ALL]


Birch Log - 30%

Oak Log - 30%

Wheat Seeds - 18%

Dried Kelp - 15%



Glow Squid [AV] [ALL]


Phantom Membrane - 2%

Glowstone Dust - 8%

Dried Kelp - 90%


Creeper [AV] [ALL]


TnT - 0.5%

Moss Block - 0.5%

Gravel - 49%

Sand - 50%



Skeleton [AV] [ALL]


Cobblestone - 10%

Quartz - 5%


Sheep [AV] [ALL]


White Wool - 100%


Ravager [AV] [ON]


Anvil - 10.5%

Block of Iron - 20%

Block of Coal - 65%

Netherite Scrap - 0.5%


Shulker [AV] [ON]


Amethyst Shard - 90%

Shulker Shell - 10%

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